Valery Afanasyev
- Director of the GR and Regulatory Risk Assessment Practice
- specializes in monitoring legislative and regulatory changes in various sectors of the economy, analyzing and assessing political and regulatory risks in national and supranational (EEC) spaces and other analytical work of a legal nature, designing and implementing GR and lobbying campaigns, as well as building relationships and supporting working relationships with government authorities, the expert community and clients
- responsible for communicational and analytical support of political, GR and lobbying projects
- geography of responsibility: the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus and the Eurasian Economic Commission
- successfully completed dozens of GR and lobbying projects in terms of expert and analytical support
- before joining the company, he worked for the news agencies and consulting companies
- author of publications in scientific collections on political science
- graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in Political Science, сompleted the advanced training “GR and Lobbying in Business and Nonprofit Sector” at MGIMO University