Anastasia Parfenchikova
- Partner. Legislation and Legal Studies’ Practice
- Scientific Consultant of the Research Centre for Legal Expertise
- specializes in the elaboration of draft legal acts, legal support of lobbying projects with regard to expert consulting on law-making activities and interaction with public authorities; has the expertise for the implementation of research and scientific legal projects
- Ph.D. candidate in Law; granted Magistra Legum (LL.M.) in Kiel, Germany
- occupied the list of Best Lawyers 2022 in Russia in the category “Government Practice”
- co-author of the books “Lobbying and GR. Concepts, functions, tools” and “Regulation of GR and lobbying in Russia. Status quo or the search for the new solutions”
- specialist in the field of сivil, civil procedure, entrepreneurial, investment, administrative, international private law; specializes in enforcement proceedings and bankruptcy as well
- author of a number of research publications, including monographs and comparative legal studies
- prior to joining Baikal Communications Group, she was engaged in the law-making activities within the federal public authority and nonprofit organization; was responsible for the legal expertise as well as for the arrangement of final reports on draft federal laws and other legal acts; participated in the elaboration of concepts of legislative development and strategies, aimed at using the digital opportunities in the framework of the implementation of the state program “Digital economy”
- holds bachelor’s degree in Jurisprudence and master’s degree in Civil Procedure, Arbitration Procedure from Saint Petersburg State University; holds master’s degree in International Law (status of Magistra Legum is granted) from the Kiel Christian Albrechts University (town of Kiel, Germany); successfully defended the Ph.D. Thesis on Civil Procedure, Arbitration Procedure within the Ural State Law University; сompleted the advanced training “GR and Lobbying in Business and Nonprofit Sector” at MGIMO University