Anastasia Tsvetkova conducted a module on corporate social responsibility for second-year students studying in the “Global Challenge Management” and “Crisis Management” programs.

During the lectures (28 academic hours), the students studied the basics of systemic thinking in sustainable development, approaches to the corporate social responsibility strategies formation and implementation, the basics of social entrepreneurship and the principles of mutually beneficial interaction between business and the non-profit sector in the field of social change. Practical classes for students were conducted by the Lake Baikal Foundation staff, immersing young specialists in practical cases from the life of the Foundation and its partner organizations. Specially designed workshops and games on systemic thinking in the climate change context were also held for students.

International Communications and CSR Practice Director of Baikal Communications Group cooperates with the RANEPA Institute of Social Sciences on a regular basis. Every year Anastasia Tsvetkova conducts original courses on corporate social responsibility and on interaction with public authorities for RANEPA bachelors and masters.

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