In 2025 the GR Lab, organized by Baikal Communications Group in collaboration with the Eurasian Cooperation Center (ECC), starts its work. It is a series of two-day intensive courses, where participants will have the opportunity to master and improve skills in representing and promoting interests in government bodies at both federal and regional levels, as well as in the international arena, including the supranational space of the EAEU.

The course is aimed at the corporate sector – from companies CEOs  to specialized professionals. Additionally, specialists in public relations, investor relations, HR professionals, NGO representatives, and experts seeking to acquire relevant competencies are invited to participate.

The scientific director of the new educational program is Eduard Voytenko, Ph.D. in political science, CEO of Baikal Communications Group and Edward’s East Strategies.

The course program includes the following thematic blocks:

  • Communication between business and government authorities in the context of geopolitical turbulence.
  • Work with business and industry associations, expert and scientific organizations, state corporations, and development institutions.
  • Studying internal GR and lobbying tools: monitoring and analyzing the regulatory environment, preparing GR strategies, industry and legal expertise of draft laws and other regulations.
  • Studying external GR and lobbying tools: using personal contacts, written communication with stakeholders, PR tools, event management tools, and more.
  • Features of interaction with the Eurasian Economic Commission.
  • Analysis of real GR and lobbying cases.

The course instructors will be professionals from Russian and international companies in the real economy sector, as well as government representatives. A feature of the program will be a master class on assessing the economic efficiency of a company’s GR block.

The course will take place at the Eurasian Cooperation Center – a non-profit organization whose missions include strengthening economic ties between countries and providing comprehensive support to Russian companies, including market expansion.

The start date of the next course: February 14-15, 2025. Location: ECC office, Milyutinsky Lane 10, Building 1.

Corporate training and the creation of a program focusing on specific industries are possible (to be discussed separately).

More information, including how to register for the course, can be found via the link.

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